Sunday, October 01, 2006


As a church we support a number of charities based in the UK and around the world (details on our website We are the only church in the UK to support a small charity called Africaid that works in the slums of Nairobi.

The following description of what Africaid does is taken from their website

"Our mission is to provide the much needed financial services and holistic training to the business
communities with a main focus on the member women entrepreneurs to save and access credit to expand their enterprises in order to alleviate poverty. We also address HIV/AIDS through strengthening of local communities' identified and established strategies

To support this work they rely upon donations from around the world. Unfortunately a lot of the money that they had been promised has not been forthcoming, and as a result they are facing a financial crisis. This work is of vital importance, and many lives depend upon it, as the sole supporting church in this country we feel a particular burden of responsibility to this project, and are doing what we can to help support Africaid.

If you feel you could support a worthwhile project that is making a difference to some of the poorest people in the world please visit the Africaid website or contact

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