Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dangers of Job Promotion

A man was driving along the motorway when his MD called him and said "You've been promoted - you're now an assistant manager". He was only a few miles further down the road when his MD called again and said "I've just heard your new manager has died in a 'plane crash - so we're promoting you again, you're now a full manager." The chap was so startled with this that he swerved a bit but kept control. A bit further along, he had another telephone: "I've just heard that not only your new manager died in the crash, but his boss too: so we'll promote you again to Group Manager". At this the chap was so fazed, he swerved right off the road into a tree.The police came and asked what happened. "Don't worry," he said, "I careered off the road".

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