Monday, October 09, 2006

The Legacy of War

There has been a lot of concern raised over Israel's dropping of thousands of cluster bombs in the last days of their conflict with Hezbollah. Southern Lebanon is now littered with thousands of these deadly unexploded bombs, and it is already claiming lives.

Even decades after fighting ceases, war leaves a nasty legacy. In Laos for example, people are still being killed by cluster bombs that were dropped during the Vietnam War. During the Vietnam War, the US used a toxic defoliant called Agent Orange to unmask guerrilla fighters by stripping forest cover. Decades after the war finished, children are still being born with terrible deformities, which is the terrible legacy of Agent Orange.

The fighting may have finished long ago, but war always leaves a nasty legacy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're quite right, in wars there're no winners, just terribly unhappy losers...