Thursday, October 05, 2006


It was always my hope that this blog would become a resource for others in ministry. With this in mind I've decided to start recording my assemblies on this blog, so that they can be used by others. I cannot claim much creativity, I borrow heavily from a number of websites (two of the best being, and and sometimes adapt these assemblies to suit my own particular audience.



To explore the ideas of truth and trust.Preparation and materials


1 blindfold


  1. Blind fold child, turn them around several times & direct them to a chair & get them to sit down.
  2. Ask why it is important to tell the truth. (People can trust you. Bad things don't happen.) One of Jesus' great claims was, 'I am the truth'.
  3. Tell the story of Blondini, and perhaps embellish with actions! Blondini was a tightrope walker who used to walk over the Niagara Falls. People came from far and wide to see him. He would carry all sorts of things over the water. One day a famous duke and his entourage visited the Niagara Falls. They watched Blondini walk over and clapped. They watched him walk back and shouted for more. Then Blondini asked, 'Who believes I could take this wheelbarrow over the waterfall?' 'Of course you can!' said the duke and his friends. Blondini took the wheelbarrow over. Everyone was ecstatic. 'Do you believe I could carry this sack of potatoes over the waterfall in the wheelbarrow?' 'Yes!!' He duly did. Then he asked, 'Who believes I could carry a human being over the Falls in this barrow?' 'We all do!' they chorused. After a pause, Blondini asked, 'Who will get in the wheelbarrow, then?' There was an embarrassed silence - the duke suddenly felt he had better things to do. Then a little old lady came out of the crowd and got into the wheelbarrow. Blondini pushed her over the falls and back again, to the astonishment of the crowd. The lady was Blondini's mother.
  4. Explain that Blondini had told the truth, but his listeners needed to trust him before the great truth could be demonstrated.
  5. Jesus once said, ‘Trust in God & Trust also in Me.' Make the point that we can always rely upon God, because he will never let us down, he always loves us, and that we can always turn to him. Say that Jesus proved his trustworthiness by all the good things he said and did.
  6. Trust is a two-way thing. Who do you really trust, and can people trust you?


Dear God, Please help us to know who to trust, and help us to be truthful and trustworthy ourselves. Amen.

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